Are you looking for someone to perform your wedding ceremony?
Our officiant services is the most trusted service in the Granbury/ Stephenville/ Weatherford area.That’s why more wedding venues and wedding professionals in the West-o-plex recommend us to their brides and grooms.
We are also recommended by the local County Clerks office and Justice of the Peace, because they trust us to take care of couples and all the details of the wedding ceremony.
Our Officiants are licensed, non-denominational ministers who perform customized ceremonies for your wedding.
Whether your wedding ceremony is traditional or contemporary, religious or civil, in a chapel, by the lake or in a garden, choose a us to help you to tie the knot because… No one helps you say ‘I Do’ better than we do!
We also offer weekday ceremonies in our office by appointment.
Call us today to schedule your big day. (817) 573-3332